I like this picture a lot - I sort of messed up to make it. This is a real old roll of Kodak Plus-X I got with my enlarger. I thought it was a roll of Tri-X, which is a little under 2 stops faster.

It came out thin, obviously underexposed, but pretty high contrast. The shadows didn't have time to come in, really.

In January of '23 a big snowstorm rolled through Portland. Dumped a huge amount on the city, and froze it for days. It was a weird, good feeling. Something unexpected exposing things that you pass right over.

I guess that's where we are now. I've been narrating and writing posts to myself to put here, but I've stopped crying as much, and I've thought more, and... it's alright.

I'm happy it happened, Cohost. It's been good. Let's see if I can keep this up, huh?

read my rss boy